Welcome to Fr3sh Sound Productions!

I'm Sem, a passionate Sound Producer specializing in Mixing & Mastering. At Fr3sh Sound Productions, we offer a unique online service, allowing you the flexibility to record at home using your instrumentals or beats. My focus is on perfecting the mix and mastering of both vocals and instrumental tracks.

FR3SH design, official Fr3sh Logo, text design, official fr3sh text logo, fr3sh text design, fr3sh black text design, fr3sh black text logo
pixelated heart, 3d art, envato elements prompt

Why Fr3sh?

Customization: Every track is unique, and I collaborate closely with you to achieve the desired style and atmosphere, whether you have a specific style in mind or let my expertise take the lead.

🌐 Online Service!

Convenience is key! You can record at home, and the price is discussed after filling out the contact form on our website. Upon receiving all necessary information, we proceed via email to refine the details.

How Does It Work?

  1. Fill out the contact form on our website.
  2. Specify the platforms you want to publish the song on.
  3. Specify the genre and style you have in mind or let me add my own creative touch to your track.


Prices depend on the complexity of the project and are discussed based on the information provided.


Let me help elevate your music! Fill out the contact form on our website, and let's get started together.